Punerea în aplicare a restricțiilor


The Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement (Forum) is a network of authorities responsible for the enforcement of a number of European Regulations on chemicals (REACH, CLP, PIC, POP and Biocidal Product regulations) in the EU, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. The Forum is a body of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). 

The Forum aims at contributing to harmonised enforcement of such Regulations. Among other tasks, the Forum is mandated to identify best practice in enforcement and develop tools of use to local inspectors. Working in this framework, the Forum has developed a Methodology and a living database containing analytical methods so local inspectors can check compliance with Annex XVII restrictions under REACH (hereinafter the Compendium of Analytical Methods) .

The second version of the Compendium was published in July 2021 and is intended to be a guide for the Enforcement Authorities and companies.


  • Forum Methodology [PDF]
    for recommending analytical methods to check compliance with REACH Annex XVII restrictions
  • Annex 3 [XLSX]
    Questionnaire on available analytical methods to check compliance with REACH Annex XVII restrictions [XLSX]
  • Compendium of analytical methods [PDF]
    Recommended by the Forum to check compliance with REACH Annex XVII restrictions